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LUNGFUL Lyrics expresses a desire for freedom and release from constraints. The lyrics convey a feeling of being trapped and suffocated, yearning for a liberating “lungful” of open air. There are vivid descriptions of gasping for breath and being immersed in deep waters, evoking panicked claustrophobia. The tone feels intensely desperate and hopeless at points. However, the choruses repeat wishes to break free, escape, and breathe again. The lyrics align freedom with life itself—to fill one’s lungs is to be fully alive. Overall, while parts are bleak, the song essentially expresses an unquenchable, defiant hope to break out of confinement into wild, unbounded space. The core cry for a lungful of air is a call to cast off all that stifles the human spirit. Do read LUNGFUL Lyrics below.


Take in a breath
And treasure the light
Don`t let them see you
You’ve got nothing to prove
Hold out your palms
And place them in mine
Don`t let me feel you shake
In fear they find mistake
Silence this song
With bugles that play
You need to hear the call
They’re wishing you to fall
Don’t let them see you failI will not let you fail
I will not let you fail
I will not let
You fail
Take in a breath
And treasure the light
Take in a breath
And treasure the light
Take in a breath
And treasure the light
Don’t let them see you fail
Take in a breath
And treasure the light


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